Configuration file

The first input parameter in the configuration file is:

1"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
2flow --linear-solver=cprw --enable-tuning=true --enable-opm-rst-file=true --output-extra-convergence-info=steps,iterations --newton-min-iterations=1

If flow is not in your path, then write the full path to the executable (e.g., /Users/dmar/opm/build/opm-simulators/bin/flow). We also add in the same line as many flags as required (see the OPM Flow documentation here).


If you have installed flow with MPI support, then you can run the simulations in parallel by adding mpirun -np N flow … where N is the number of cpus.


By executing flow -h you get an overview of the available flags in the flow simulator to improve/fix convergence and mass issues (i.e., by setting the flag --linear-solver=cprw to change the linear solver, by tightening the cnv tolerances (--tolerance-cnv), etc.).