OPM Common Python Documentation

class opm.io.sim.SummaryState

The SummaryState class - this is where the current summary results of the simulator are stored. The SummaryState class has methods to get hold of well, group and general variables.

opm.io.sim.SummaryState.update_well_var(well_name: str, variable_name: str, new_value: double) None

Updates the variable of a well.

  • well_name (str) – The name of the well.

  • variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to update.

  • new_value (double) – The new value of the variable.

opm.io.sim.SummaryState.update_group_var(group_name: str, variable_name: str, new_value: double) None

Updates the variable of a group.

  • group_name (str) – The name of the group.

  • variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to update.

  • new_value (double) – The new value of the variable.

opm.io.sim.SummaryState.well_var(well_name: str, variable_name: str) double

Gets the value of a variable for a well.

  • well_name (str) – The name of the well.

  • variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to retrieve.


The value of the specified variable for the well.

opm.io.sim.SummaryState.group_var(group_name: str, variable_name: str) double

Gets the value of a variable for a group.

  • group_name (str) – The name of the group.

  • variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to retrieve.


The value of the specified variable for the group.

opm.io.sim.SummaryState.elapsed() double

Returns the elapsed time in seconds of the current simulation.


The elapsed time in seconds.

opm.io.sim.SummaryState.groups -> list

Returns a list of strings containing all group names.


A list of strings representing all group names.

opm.io.sim.SummaryState.wells -> list

Returns a list of strings containing all well names.


A list of strings representing all well names.

opm.io.sim.SummaryState.has_well_var(well_name: str, variable_name: str) bool

Checks if a well variable exists.

  • well_name (str) – The name of the well.

  • variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to check.


True if the variable exists for the well, False otherwise.

opm.io.sim.SummaryState.has_group_var(group_name: str, variable_name: str) bool

Checks if a group variable exists.

  • group_name (str) – The name of the group.

  • variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to check.


True if the variable exists for the group, False otherwise.

class opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState

The EclipseState class - this is a representation of all static properties in the model,ranging from porosity to relperm tables. The content of the EclipseState is immutable and may not be changed at runtime.

opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.input_nnc() list

Returns a list of non-neighboring connections.

One non-neighboring connection is a tuple containing the following elements: - index1 (int): Index of the first cell. - index2 (int): Index of the second cell. - transmissibility (double): Transmissibility between the two cells.


A list of non-neighboring connections.

opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.faultNames() list

Returns a list of fault names.


A list containing the names of faults.

opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.faultFaces(fault_name: str) list

Returns a list of faces of a fault with the given name.


fault_name (str) – The name of the fault.


A list containing the faces of the specified fault.

opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.jfunc() dict

Function returning a dictionary with the following entries: [‘FLAG’, ‘DIRECTION’, ‘ALPHA_FACTOR’, ‘BETA_FACTOR’, ‘OIL_WATER’, ‘GAS_OIL’]


A dictionary containing the specified entries.

opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.simulation() SimulationConfiguration

Returns the simulation configuration.


The simulation configuration.

class opm.io.schedule.Schedule

The Schedule class - this is a representation of all the content from the SCHEDULE section, notably all well and group information and the timestepping.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.__getitem__(report_step: int) ScheduleState

Returns the ScheduleState at the given report step.


report_step (int) – The report step.


The ScheduleState at the given report step.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.shut_well(well_name: str, step: int) None

Shuts down a well at a given report step.

  • well_name (str) – The name of the well to shut down.

  • step (int) – The report step at which to shut down the well.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.shut_well(well_name: str) None

Shuts down a well at the current report step.


well_name (str) – The name of the well to shut down.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.open_well(well_name: str, step: int) None

Opens a well at a given report step.

  • well_name (str) – The name of the well to open.

  • step (int) – The report step at which to open the well.


ValueError – If the report step is in the past or exceeds the duration of the simulation.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.open_well(well_name: str) None

Opens a well at the current report step.


well_name (str) – The name of the well to open.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.stop_well(well_name: str, step: int) None

Stops a well at a given report step.

  • well_name (str) – The name of the well to stop.

  • step (int) – The report step at which to stop the well.


ValueError – If the report step is in the past or exceeds the duration of the simulation.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.stop_well(well_name: str) None

Stops a well at the current report step.


well_name (str) – The name of the well to stop.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.get_injection_properties(well_name: str, report_step: int) dict

Gets injection properties for a well at a specific report step.

  • well_name (str) – The name of the well.

  • report_step (int) – The report step to retrieve properties for.


A dict containing the properties surf_inj_rate, resv_inj_rate, bhp_target, thp_target.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.get_production_properties(well_name: str, report_step: int) dict

Gets production properties for a well at a specific report step.

  • well_name (str) – The name of the well.

  • report_step (int) – The report step to retrieve properties for.


A dict containing the properties oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, liquid_rate, resv_rate, bhp_target, thp_target, alq_value.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule._groups(report_step: int) list

Gets a list of all groups at a specified report step.


report_step (int) – The report step to retrieve groups for.


A list containing all groups at the specified report step.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.get_well(well_name: str, report_step: int) Well

Retrieves a well at a given report step.

  • well_name (str) – The name of the well.

  • report_step (int) – The report step.


Well object at the given report step.

opm.io.schedule.Schedule.get_wells(well_name_pattern: str) list

Gets the names of wells matching a specified pattern.


well_name_pattern (str) – The pattern for well names, where ‘*’ acts as a wildcard.


A list containing the names of wells that match the specified pattern.

class Group

The Group class.


Returns the name of this group.


The name of this group.


Returns the number of wells in this group.


The number of wells in this group.


Returns a list of all well names in this group.


A list of all well names in this group.

class ScheduleState

The ScheduleState class.


The NUPCOL value at this Schedule State. This is a positive integer that defines the maximum number of Newton iterations used to update well targets within a time step.

ScheduleState.get_group(group_name: str) Group

Gets the group with the specified name from the schedule state.


group_name (str) – The name of the group to retrieve from the schedule state.


The group with the specified name from the schedule state.

class Well

The Well class.

Well.pos() tuple

Retrieves the position of the well.


A tuple containing the (i, j) coordinates and the reference depth of the well.

Well.isdefined(report_step: int) bool

Checks if the well is defined at a specific report step.


report_step (int) – The report step to check for the well’s definition.


True if the well is defined at the specified report step, False otherwise.

Well.available_gctrl() bool

Checks if the well is available for group control.


True if the well is available for group control, False otherwise.

Well.connections() list

Gets a list of all connections associated with the well.


A list containing all connections of the well.