OPM Common Python Documentation
Note on Import Paths
In this documentation, some classes are referenced with their full import paths (e.g., opm.io.deck.DeckItem), while others are shown with just the class name. This distinction reflects how these classes are structured within the package:
Fully Qualified Class Names: Classes displayed with their full import paths can be imported from their respective modules. They have constructors and can be directly instantiated in Python using the __init__ method. For example:
from opm.io.deck import DeckItem
Unqualified Class Names: Classes displayed with just their names, e.g., Connection, do not have constructors in Python and cannot be directly instantiated in Python. Objects of these classes might be return values of methods of other classes.
- class Connection
The Connection class represents a connection point in a reservoir simulation. It includes properties for spatial indices, state, and various physical attributes of the connection.
- Connection.attached_to_segment -> bool
Checks if the connection is attached to a segment.
- Returns:
True if attached to a segment, otherwise False.
- Connection.center_depth -> double
Returns the center depth of the connection.
- Returns:
The center depth of the connection.
- Connection.cf -> double
Returns the static connection transmissibility factor of the connection. This quantity is calculated from the connection input quantities.
- Returns:
The static connection transmissibility factor.
- Connection.complnum -> int
Returns the completion number of the connection.
- Returns:
The completion number.
- Connection.direction -> str
Returns the direction of the connection.
- Returns:
The direction of the connection.
- Connection.getI() int
Returns the ‘i’ index of the connection.
- Returns:
The ‘i’ index of the connection.
- Connection.getJ() int
Returns the ‘j’ index of the connection.
- Returns:
The ‘j’ index of the connection.
- Connection.getK() int
Returns the ‘k’ index of the connection.
- Returns:
The ‘k’ index of the connection.
- Connection.kh -> double
Returns the static ‘Kh’ product for the connection.
- Returns:
The static ‘Kh’ product for the connection.
- Connection.number -> int
DEPRECATED: Use ‘complnum’ instead. Returns the completion number of the connection.
- Returns:
The completion number.
- Connection.pos -> tuple
Returns the position of the connection as a tuple.
- Returns:
The position of the connection.
- Connection.rw -> double
Returns the radius of the well (rw) at the connection.
- Returns:
The radius of the well (rw).
- Connection.sat_table_id -> int
Returns the saturation table ID for the connection.
- Returns:
The saturation table ID.
- Connection.segment_number -> bool
Returns the segment number associated with the connection.
- Returns:
The segment number.
- Connection.state -> str
Returns the current state of the connection.
- Returns:
The current state of the connection.
- class Deck
The Deck class represents a collection of keywords and their associated data used in reservoir simulations.
- Deck.__contains__(keyword: str) bool
Checks if the specified keyword exists in the deck.
- Parameters:
keyword (str) – The keyword to check.
- Returns:
True if the keyword exists, otherwise False.
- Deck.__getitem__(index: int) DeckKeyword
Returns the keyword at the specified index.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index of the keyword.
- Returns:
The keyword at the specified index.
- Deck.__getitem__(key: tuple(keyword_name: str, index: int)) DeckKeyword
Returns the entry at the index of the DeckView of the specified keyword name.
- Parameters:
key (tuple (str, int)) – The tuple key to access the entry.
- Returns:
The the entry at the index of the DeckView of the specified keyword name.
- Deck.__getitem__(keyword_name: str) DeckKeyword
Returns the last entry of the DeckView of the specified keyword name.
- Parameters:
keyword (str) – The name of the keyword.
- Returns:
The last entry of the DeckView of the specified keyword name.
- Deck.__iter__() Iterator[DeckKeyword]
Returns an iterator over the keywords in the deck.
- Returns:
An iterator over the keywords.
- Deck.__len__() int
Returns the number of keywords in the deck.
- Returns:
The number of keywords.
- Deck.__str__() str
Returns a string representation of the deck.
- Returns:
A string representation of the deck.
- Deck.active_unit_system() UnitSystem
Returns the active unit system of the deck.
- Returns:
The active unit system.
- Deck.add(keyword: DeckKeyword) None
Adds a new keyword to the deck.
- Parameters:
keyword (DeckKeyword) – The keyword to add.
- Deck.count(keyword: str) int
Returns the number of occurrences of the specified keyword in the deck.
- Parameters:
keyword (str) – The keyword to count.
- Returns:
The number of occurrences of the keyword.
- Deck.default_unit_system() UnitSystem
Returns the default unit system of the deck.
- Returns:
The default unit system.
- class DeckRecord
Represents a record of data in the deck. A DeckRecord holds a collection of DeckItems and provides access to them in various ways.
- DeckRecord.__getitem__(index: int) DeckItem
Returns the DeckItem at the specified index.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index used to retrieve the DeckItem.
- Returns:
The DeckItem at the specified index.
- Type:
- DeckRecord.__iter__() iterator
Returns an iterator for the DeckRecord, allowing iteration over the contained DeckItems.
- Returns:
An iterator for iterating through the DeckItems.
- Type:
- DeckRecord.__len__() int
Returns the number of DeckItems in the DeckRecord.
- Returns:
The number of DeckItems.
- Type:
- DeckRecord.__repr__() str
Returns a string representation of the DeckRecord.
- Returns:
A string representation of the DeckRecord.
- Type:
- class EclipseConfig
Represents the configuration for an Eclipse simulation.
- EclipseConfig.init() InitConfig
Returns the initialization configuration.
- Returns:
The initialization configuration.
- Type:
- class EclipseGrid
Represents the grid configuration for an Eclipse simulation.
- EclipseGrid._getXYZ()
Returns the number of cells in XYZ direction for the grid as a tuple.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the number of cells in XYZ direction.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.cartesianSize() int
Returns the Cartesian size of the grid, i.e., the number of all cells.
- Returns:
The Cartesian size of the grid.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.getCellDepth() numpy.ndarray[double]
Returns a numpy.ndarray containing the depths of all grid cells. Each entry in the array corresponds to the depth of a grid cell, with the array index matching the global index of that cell.
- Returns:
A numpy.ndarray each entry represents the depth of a grid cell, and the index being the global index.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.getCellDepth(g: int) double
Returns the depth of the grid cell corresponding to the given global index.
- Parameters:
g (int) – The global index of the grid cell.
- Returns:
The depth of the grid cell with the specified global index.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.getCellDepth(i: int, j: int, k: int) double
Returns the depth of the grid cell specified by the given IJK indices.
- Parameters:
i (int) – The I index of the grid cell.
j (int) – The J index of the grid cell.
k (int) – The K index of the grid cell.
- Returns:
The depth of the grid cell with the specified IJK indices.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.getCellDepthMask(mask: list[int]) numpy.ndarray[double]
Returns the depths for the selected cells.
- Parameters:
mask (list[int]) – List containing one entry per grid cell, if the entry in the list is ‘1’, this cell is selected by the mask.
- Returns:
The depths for the given cells.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.getCellVolume() numpy.ndarray[double]
Returns a numpy.ndarray containing the volumes of all grid cells. Each entry in the array corresponds to the volume of a grid cell, with the array index matching the global index of that cell.
- Returns:
A numpy.ndarray each entry represents the volume of a grid cell, the index being to the global index.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.getCellVolume(g: int) double
Returns the cell volume for the grid cell at the global index g.
- Parameters:
g (int) – The global index of the grid cell.
- Returns:
The volume of the grid cell.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.getCellVolume(i: int, j: int, k: int) double
Returns the cell volume for a grid cell identified by its (i, j, k) indices.
- Parameters:
i (int) – The I index of the grid cell.
j (int) – The J index of the grid cell.
k (int) – The K index of the grid cell.
- Returns:
The volume of the grid cell identified by the (i, j, k) indices.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.getCellVolume(mask: list[int]) numpy.ndarray[double]
Returns the cell volumes for the selected cells.
- Parameters:
mask (list[int]) – List containing one entry per grid cell, if the entry in the list is ‘1’, this cell is selected by the mask.
- Returns:
The cell volumes for the given cells.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.getIJK(g: int)
Returns a tuple containing the IJK indices of the grid cell with global index g.
- Returns:
A a tuple containing the IJK indices of the grid cell with global index g.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.globalIndex(i: int, j: int, k: int) int
Returns the global index of the grid cell at the specified (i, j, k) coordinates.
- Parameters:
i (int) – The I index of the grid cell.
j (int) – The J index of the grid cell.
k (int) – The K index of the grid cell.
- Returns:
The global index of the grid cell at the specified coordinates.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.nactive() int
Returns the number of active cells in the Eclipse grid.
- Returns:
The number of active cells.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.nx() int
Returns the number of cells along the X-axis in the Eclipse grid.
- Returns:
The number of cells along the X-axis.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.ny() int
Returns the number of cells along the Y-axis in the Eclipse grid.
- Returns:
The number of cells along the Y-axis.
- Type:
- EclipseGrid.nz() int
Returns the number of cells along the Z-axis in the Eclipse grid.
- Returns:
The number of cells along the Z-axis.
- Type:
- EclipseState.config() EclipseConfig
Returns the configuration for the Eclipse simulation.
- Returns:
The simulation configuration.
- Type:
- EclipseState.field_props() FieldPropsManager
Returns the field properties for the Eclipse simulation.
- Returns:
The field properties for the simulation.
- Type:
- EclipseState.grid() EclipseGrid
Returns the EclipseGrid used for the Eclipse simulation.
- Returns:
The grid used in the simulation.
- Type:
- EclipseState.has_input_nnc() bool
Checks whether the Eclipse simulation contains input for non-neighboring connections.
- Returns:
True if the simulation has NNC input, otherwise False.
- Type:
- EclipseState.tables() TableManager
Returns the table manager associated with the Eclipse simulation.
- Returns:
The table manager for the simulation.
- Type:
- class Group
The Group class.
- Group.name()
Returns the name of this group.
- Returns:
The name of this group.
- Group.num_wells()
Returns the number of wells in this group.
- Returns:
The number of wells in this group.
- Group.well_names()
Returns a list of all well names in this group.
- Returns:
A list of all well names in this group.
- class IOConfig
Represents the configuration for the input/output settings.
- class InitConfig
Represents the initialization configuration.
- InitConfig.getRestartStep() int
Returns the step number to restart at.
- Returns:
The restart step number.
- Type:
- InitConfig.hasEquil() bool
Returns whether the initialization configuration includes the keword ‘EQUIL’, which defines the equilibration initialization data.
- Returns:
True if ‘EQUIL’ is present, False otherwise.
- Type:
- InitConfig.restartRequested() bool
Returns whether a restart is requested for the simulation.
- Returns:
True if a restart is requested, False otherwise.
- Type:
- class ScheduleState
The ScheduleState class.
- ScheduleState.get_group(group_name: str) Group
Gets the group with the specified name from the schedule state.
- Parameters:
group_name (str) – The name of the group to retrieve from the schedule state.
- Returns:
The group with the specified name from the schedule state.
- ScheduleState.nupcol()
The NUPCOL value at this Schedule State. This is a positive integer that defines the maximum number of Newton iterations used to update well targets within a time step.
- class Well
The Well class.
- Well.available_gctrl() bool
Checks if the well is available for group control.
- Returns:
True if the well is available for group control, False otherwise.
- Well.connections() list[Connection]
Gets a list of all connections associated with the well.
- Returns:
A list containing all connections of the well.
- Well.isdefined(report_step: int) bool
Checks if the well is defined at a specific report step.
- Parameters:
report_step (int) – The report step to check for the well’s definition.
- Returns:
True if the well is defined at the specified report step, False otherwise.
- Well.pos() tuple
Retrieves the position of the well.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the (i, j) coordinates and the reference depth of the well.
- class opm.io.deck.DeckItem
Represents an item in the deck.
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.__defaulted(index: int) bool
Returns whether the DeckItem’s value at index is the default.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index used to check if the DeckItem’s value is the default.
- Returns:
True if the value at index is defaulted, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.__has_value(index: int) bool
Returns whether the DeckItem has a value at index.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index used to check if the DeckItem has a value.
- Returns:
True if the DeckItem has a value at index, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.__is_numeric() bool
Returns whether the UDA data of the DeckItem is numeric.
- Returns:
True if the value is numeric, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.__len__() int
Returns the number of data elements in the DeckItem. If if the number returned by this method is less than what is semantically expected (e.g. size() is less than the number of cells in the grid for keywords like e.g. SGL), then the remaining values are defaulted. The deck creates the defaulted items if all their sizes are fully specified by the keyword, though.
- Returns:
The number of elements.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.__uda_double() double
Returns the double value of the UDA data of the DeckItem.
- Returns:
The double value of the UDA data.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.__uda_str() str
Returns the string value of the UDA data of the DeckItem.
- Returns:
The string value of the UDA data.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.get_SI(index: int) double
Returns the SI double data of the DeckItem at the given index.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index used to retrieve the SI double data from the DeckItem.
- Returns:
The SI double data of the DeckItem at the given index.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.get_SI_data_list() list[double]
Returns the list of SI double data elements contained in the DeckItem.
- Returns:
A list of SI double data elements in the DeckItem.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.get_data_list() list
Returns the list of data elements contained in the DeckItem for int or string data elements.
- Returns:
A list of data elements in the DeckItem.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.get_int(index: int) int
Returns the integer data of the DeckItem at the given index.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index used to retrieve the integer data from the DeckItem.
- Returns:
The integer data of the DeckItem at the given index.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.get_raw(index: int) double
Returns the raw double data of the DeckItem at the given index.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index used to retrieve the raw double data from the DeckItem.
- Returns:
The raw double data of the DeckItem at the given index.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.get_raw_data_list() list[double]
Returns the list of raw data elements (as doubles) contained in the DeckItem.
- Returns:
A list of raw data elements in the DeckItem.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.get_str(index: int) str
Returns the string data of the DeckItem at the given index, if the DeckItem is of type string.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index used to retrieve the string data from the DeckItem.
- Returns:
The string representation of the DeckItem at the given index’s data.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.get_uda(index: int) UDAValue
Returns the UDA data of the DeckItem at the given index.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index used to retrieve the UDA data from the DeckItem.
- Returns:
The UDA data of the DeckItem at the given index.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.is_double() bool
Returns whether the DeckItem holds double data.
- Returns:
True if the DeckItem is of type double, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.is_int() bool
Returns whether the DeckItem holds integer data.
- Returns:
True if the DeckItem is of type int, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.is_string() bool
Returns whether the DeckItem holds string data.
- Returns:
True if the DeckItem is of type string, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.is_uda() bool
Returns whether the DeckItem holds UDA data.
- Returns:
True if the DeckItem is UDA, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckItem.name() str
Returns the name of the DeckItem.
- Returns:
The name of the DeckItem.
- Type:
- class opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword
Represents a keyword in the Deck.
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.__getitem__(index: int) DeckValue
Returns the record at the specified index.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index of the record to retrieve.
- Returns:
The record at the specified index.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.__init__(parser_keyword: ParserKeyword) DeckKeyword
Creates a DeckKeyword with a specified ParserKeyword.
- Parameters:
parser_keyword (ParserKeyword) – The ParserKeyword to initialize the DeckKeyword with.
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.__init__(parser_keyword: ParserKeyword, py_data: numpy.ndarray[double], active_system: UnitSystem, default_system: UnitSystem) DeckKeyword
Creates a DeckKeyword with a specified ParserKeyword, double data (as a numpy.ndarray, and two UnitSystem objects for active and default systems. For this, the keyword must be a data keyword!
- Parameters:
parser_keyword (ParserKeyword) – The ParserKeyword to initialize the DeckKeyword with.
py_data (numpy.ndarray[double]) – The double data array.
active_system (UnitSystem) – The active UnitSystem to interpret the data.
default_system (UnitSystem) – The default UnitSystem to interpret the data.
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.__init__(parser_keyword: ParserKeyword, py_data: numpy.ndarray[int]) DeckKeyword
Creates a DeckKeyword with a specified ParserKeyword and integer data (as a numpy.ndarray). For this, the keyword must be a data keyword!
- Parameters:
parser_keyword (ParserKeyword) – The ParserKeyword to initialize the DeckKeyword with.
py_data (numpy.ndarray[int]) – The integer data array.
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.__init__(parser_keyword: ParserKeyword, record_list: list, active_system: UnitSystem, default_system: UnitSystem) DeckKeyword
Creates a DeckKeyword with a specified ParserKeyword, a list of records, and two UnitSystem objects for active and default systems.
- Parameters:
parser_keyword (ParserKeyword) – The ParserKeyword to initialize the DeckKeyword with.
record_list (list) – A list of records containing the keyword data as also specified in the parser_keyword.
active_system (UnitSystem) – The active UnitSystem.
default_system (UnitSystem) – The default UnitSystem.
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.__iter__() iterator
Returns an iterator over the records of the DeckKeyword.
- Returns:
An iterator for the records.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.__len__() int
Returns the number of records in the DeckKeyword.
- Returns:
The number of records in the DeckKeyword.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.__repr__() str
Returns the name of the DeckKeyword as a string.
- Returns:
The name of the DeckKeyword.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.__str__() str
Returns a string representation of the DeckKeyword.
- Returns:
The string representation of the DeckKeyword.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.get_SI_array() numpy.ndarray[double]
Returns the SI double data of the DeckKeyword in a numpy.ndarray.
- Returns:
The SI double data.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.get_int_array() numpy.ndarray[int]
Returns the integer data of the DeckKeyword in a numpy.ndarray.
- Returns:
The integer data.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.get_raw_array() numpy.ndarray[double]
Returns the raw doule data of the DeckKeyword in a numpy.ndarray.
- Returns:
The raw double data.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.DeckKeyword.name() str
Returns the name of the DeckKeyword.
- Returns:
The name of the DeckKeyword.
- Type:
- class opm.io.deck.UDAValue
Represents a UDA (User-Defined Arguments) in the deck.
- opm.io.deck.UDAValue.__init__(value: double, dimension: Dimension) UDAValue
Creates a UDA with a double value and a dimension.
- Parameters:
value (double) – The double value to store.
dimension (Dimension) – The dimension associated with this UDA.
- Returns:
The UDAValue.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.UDAValue.__init__(value: str, dimension: Dimension) UDAValue
Creates a UDA with a string value and a dimension.
- Parameters:
value (str) – The string value to store.
dimension (Dimension) – The dimension associated with this UDA.
- Returns:
The UDAValue.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.UDAValue.__repr__() str
Returns a string representation of the UDA. This works for both string and double UDAs.
- Returns:
A string representation of the UDA.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.UDAValue.dimension() Dimension
Returns the dimension associated with this UDA.
- Returns:
The dimension of the UDA.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.UDAValue.get_double() double
Returns the double value of the UDA.
- Returns:
The double value of the UDA.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.UDAValue.get_string() str
Returns the string value of the UDA.
- Returns:
The string value of the UDA.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.UDAValue.is_double() bool
Returns whether the UDA is of type double.
- Returns:
True if the UDA is a double, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.deck.UDAValue.is_string() bool
Returns whether the UDA is of type string.
- Returns:
True if the UDA is a string, False otherwise.
- Type:
- class opm.io.ecl.EGrid
Represents an Eclipse Grid file.
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.__init__(filename: str, grid_name: str = 'global') EGrid
Initializes an EGrid object by loading the grid file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Path to the grid file.
grid_name (str) – The name of the grid (default is ‘global’).
- Returns:
The EGrid object.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.active_cells -> int
Returns the number of active cells in the grid.
- Returns:
Number of active cells.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.active_index(i: int, j: int, k: int) int
Returns the active index corresponding to the given IJK index.
- Parameters:
i (int) – The i index.
j (int) – The j index.
k (int) – The k index.
- Returns:
The active cell index.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.cellvolumes() numpy.ndarray
Returns an array containing the volume of each cell in the grid.
- Returns:
A NumPy array containing cell volumes.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.cellvolumes(mask: list[int]) numpy.ndarray
Returns an array containing the volume of the selected cells.
- Parameters:
mask (list[int]) – List containing one entry per grid cell, if the entry in the list is ‘1’, this cell is selected by the mask.
- Returns:
A NumPy array containing cell volumes.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.dimension -> tuple[int, int, int]
Returns the dimensions of the grid.
- Returns:
The (x,y,z) dimensions.
- Type:
tuple[int, int, int]
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.export_mapaxes() tuple[double, 8]
Exports the map axes transformation for visualization.
- Returns:
tuple[double, 8]
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.global_index(i: int, j: int, k: int) int
Returns the global index corresponding to the given IJK index.
- Parameters:
i (int) – The i index.
j (int) – The j index.
k (int) – The k index.
- Returns:
The global index.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.ijk_from_active_index(active_index: int) tuple[int, int, int]
Converts an active cell index to IJK indices.
- Parameters:
active_index (int) – The active cell index.
- Returns:
The (I, J, K) indices.
- Type:
tuple[int, int, int]
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.ijk_from_global_index(global_index: int) tuple[int, int, int]
Converts a global index to IJK indices.
- Parameters:
global_index (int) – The global index of the cell.
- Returns:
The (I, J, K) indices.
- Type:
tuple[int, int, int]
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.xyz_from_active_index(active_index: int) tuple[tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8]]
Computes the XYZ coordinates of a cell given its active index.
- Parameters:
active_index (int) – The active cell index.
- Returns:
XYZ coordinates.
- Type:
tuple[float, float, float]
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.xyz_from_active_index(active_index: int, apply_mapaxes: bool) tuple[tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8]]
Computes the XYZ coordinates of a cell given its active index.
- Parameters:
active_index (int) – The active cell index.
apply_mapaxes (bool) – Boolean to indicate if a mapaxes tranformation (if available) should be carried out before.
- Returns:
XYZ coordinates.
- Type:
tuple[float, float, float]
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.xyz_from_ijk(i: int, j: int, k: int) tuple[tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8]]
Computes the XYZ coordinates of the 8 cell corners given its ijk indices.
- Parameters:
i (int) – The i index of the cell.
j (int) – The j index of the cell.
k (int) – The k index of the cell.
- Returns:
The XYZ coordinates, as three tuples.
- Type:
tuple[tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8]]
- opm.io.ecl.EGrid.xyz_from_ijk(i: int, j: int, k: int, apply_mapaxes: bool) tuple[tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8]]
Computes the XYZ coordinates of the 8 cell corners given its ijk indices.
- Parameters:
i (int) – The i index of the cell.
j (int) – The j index of the cell.
k (int) – The k index of the cell.
apply_mapaxes (bool) – Boolean to indicate if a mapaxes tranformation (if available) should be carried out before.
- Returns:
The XYZ coordinates, as three tuples.
- Type:
tuple[tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8], tuple[double, 8]]
- class opm.io.ecl.ERst
Represents an Eclipse Restart file. This class inherits from the class EclFile.
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.__contains__(tuple: [name: str, report_step: int]) bool
Checks if the Restart file contains a vector with the given name at the given report step.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name to check.
report_step (int) – The report step to check.
- Returns:
True if such a vector exists, otherwise False.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.__get_data(index: int, report_step: int) tuple[numpy.ndarray, eclArrType]
Retrieves the given index of the data at the given report step.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the data array and its associated type.
- Return type:
tuple[numpy.ndarray, eclArrType]
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.__has_report_step(report_step: int) bool
Checks if the specified report step exists in the file.
- Parameters:
report_step (int) – The report step number to check.
- Returns:
True if the report step exists, otherwise False.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.__init__(filename: str) ERst
Initializes the ERst object by loading the Restart file (and the underlying EclFile) from the specified path.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The path to the Restart file.
- Returns:
The ERst object.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.__len__() int
Returns the number of available report steps in the file.
- Returns:
The number of report steps.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.arrays(report_step: int) list[tuple[str, eclArrType, int]]
Returns the list of arrays at the given report step.
- Parameters:
report_step (int) – The report step number.
- Returns:
A list of tuples containing the name, type, and size of each array.
- Type:
list[tuple[str, eclArrType, int]]
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.arrays(report_step: int, lgr_name: str) list[tuple[str, eclArrType, int]]
Returns a list of arrays matching the given LGR at the given report_step.
- Parameters:
report_step (int) – The report step number.
lgr_name (str) – The name of the LGR.
- Returns:
A list of tuples containing the name, type, and size of each array.
- Type:
list[tuple[str, eclArrType, int]]
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.count(name: str, report_step: int) int
Counts the occurrences of vectors with the specified name for the given report step.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the array to count.
report_step (int) – The report step number to load.
- Returns:
The number of occurrences of the array for the given report step.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.get_erst_vector(name: str, report_step: int, occurrence: int) tuple[numpy.ndarray, eclArrType]
Retrieves the data array of the given name a the given occurrence at the given report step.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the arrays.
report_step (int) – The report step.
occurrence (int) – The occurrence to retrieve.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the data array and its associated type.
- Return type:
tuple[numpy.ndarray, eclArrType]
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.load_report_step(report_step: int) None
Loads the specified report step from the file into memory.
- Parameters:
report_step (int) – The report step number to load.
- Returns:
- opm.io.ecl.ERst.report_steps -> list[int]
Returns a list of all available report step numbers in the file.
- Returns:
A list of integers representing the available report steps.
- Type:
- class opm.io.ecl.ESmry
Handles summary data from Eclipse simulations.
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.__contains__(key: str) bool
Checks if the specified key exists in the summary data.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The key to check.
- Returns:
True if the key exists, otherwise False.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.__get_all(key: str) numpy.ndarray
Retrieves the summary vector for the given key.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The key.
- Returns:
The summary for the specified key.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.__get_at_rstep(key: str) numpy.ndarray
Retrieves the report step summary vector for the given key.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The key.
- Returns:
The report step summary for the specified key.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.__init__(filename: str, load_base_run: bool = False) ESmry
Initializes the ESmry object by loading the summary file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Path to the .SMSPEC or .ESMRY file.
load_base_run (bool) – Whether to load base run data. Default is False.
- Returns:
The ESmry object.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.__len__() int
Returns the number of time steps in the summary data.
- Returns:
The number of available time steps.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.dates() list[datetime.datetime]
Retrieves a list of dates corresponding to the time steps in the summary data.
- Returns:
A list of dates.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.keys() list[str]
Retrieves a list of summary keys.
- Returns:
A list of available summary keys.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.keys(pattern: str) list[str]
Retrieves a list of summary keys matching the given pattern.
- Parameters:
pattern (str) – A pattern to filter the keys.
- Returns:
A list of available summary keys.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.make_esmry_file() None
Generates an ESMRY file from an SMSPEC input file.
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.start_date -> datetime.datetime
The start date of the summary data as a datetime.datetime.
- Returns:
The start date.
- Return type:
- opm.io.ecl.ESmry.units(field: str) str
Retrieves the unit for a given field.
- Parameters:
field (str) – The field name.
- Returns:
The unit corresponding to the specified field.
- Return type:
- class opm.io.ecl.EclFile
Represents a file in the ECL format.
- opm.io.ecl.EclFile.__contains__(name: str) bool
Checks if the array with the given name exists in the EclFile.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name to check for.
- Returns:
True if the array exists, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.EclFile.__get_data(index: int) -> tuple(numpy.ndarray, Opm::EclIO::eclArrType)
Retrieves an array of the EclFile by index.
- Parameters:
index (int) – The index.
- Returns:
A tupe of the array and its type.
:tuple(numpy.ndarray, Opm::EclIO::eclArrType)
- opm.io.ecl.EclFile.__get_data(name: str) -> tuple(numpy.ndarray, Opm::EclIO::eclArrType)
Retrieves the first occurence of the array with the given name from the EclFile.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name.
- Returns:
A tupe of the array and its type.
:tuple(numpy.ndarray, Opm::EclIO::eclArrType)
- opm.io.ecl.EclFile.__get_data(name: str, occurrence: int) -> tuple(numpy.ndarray, Opm::EclIO::eclArrType)
Retrieves the given occurence of the array with the given name from the EclFile.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name.
occurrence (int) – The occurrence.
- Returns:
A tupe of the array and its type.
:tuple(numpy.ndarray, Opm::EclIO::eclArrType)
- opm.io.ecl.EclFile.__init__(filename: str, preload: bool = False) EclFile
Creates an EclFile instance.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The path to the EclFile.
preload (bool) – Whether to already load the contents of the file.
- Returns:
The EclFile.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.EclFile.__len__() int
Returns the number of arrays in the EclFile.
- Returns:
The number of arrays.
- Type:
- opm.io.ecl.EclFile.arrays -> list[tuple(str, eclArrType, int)]
Returns a list of all arrays in the EclFile, where one entry of the list is a tuple containing the array name, the array type and the array size.
- Returns:
A list the arrays in the EclFile.
- Type:
list[tuple(str, eclArrType, int)]
- opm.io.ecl.EclFile.count(name: str) int
Returns the total number of arrays with the given name in the EclFile.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name to check for.
- Returns:
The number of records.
- Type:
- class opm.io.ecl.eclArrType
Python enum with the types of arrays used in the Eclipese file format.
- opm.io.ecl.eclArrType.C0nn()
Represents an array type used for strings with a length > 8 characters.
- opm.io.ecl.eclArrType.CHAR()
Represents a character array type.
- opm.io.ecl.eclArrType.DOUB()
Represents a double-precision real array type.
- opm.io.ecl.eclArrType.INTE()
Represents an integer array type.
- opm.io.ecl.eclArrType.LOGI()
Represents a boolean array type.
- opm.io.ecl.eclArrType.MESS()
Represents a data array type.
- opm.io.ecl.eclArrType.REAL()
Represents a single-precision float array type.
- class opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState
The EclipseState class - this is a representation of all static properties in the model, ranging from porosity to relperm tables. The content of the EclipseState is immutable and may not be changed at runtime.
- opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.__init__(deck: Deck) EclipseState
Creates an EclipseState from the given Deck.
- Parameters:
deck (Deck) – The deck.
- Returns:
The EclipseState.
- opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.faultFaces(fault_name: str) list
Returns a list of faces of a fault with the given name.
- Parameters:
fault_name (str) – The name of the fault.
- Returns:
A list containing the faces of the specified fault.
- opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.faultNames() list
Returns a list of fault names.
- Returns:
A list containing the names of faults.
- opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.input_nnc() list
Returns a list of non-neighboring connections.
One non-neighboring connection is a tuple containing the following elements:
index1 (int): Index of the first cell.
index2 (int): Index of the second cell.
transmissibility (double): Transmissibility between the two cells.
- Returns:
A list of non-neighboring connections.
- opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.jfunc() dict
Function returning a dictionary with the following entries:
- Returns:
A dictionary containing the specified entries.
- opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.simulation() SimulationConfiguration
Returns the simulation configuration.
- Returns:
The simulation configuration.
- opm.io.ecl_state.EclipseState.title -> str
Returns the title of the EclipseState.
- Returns:
The title.
- class opm.io.schedule.Schedule
The Schedule class - this is a representation of all the content from the SCHEDULE section, notably all well and group information and the timestepping.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.__contains__(well_name: str) bool
Checks if a well exists in the Schedule at the current report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well to check.
- Returns:
True if the well exists, False otherwise.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.__getitem__(report_step: int) ScheduleState
Returns the ScheduleState at the given report step.
- Parameters:
report_step (int) – The report step.
- Returns:
The ScheduleState at the given report step.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.__len__() int
Returns the number of report steps, i.e., the length of the Schedule.
- Returns:
The number of report steps.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule._groups(report_step: int) list
Gets a list of all groups at a specified report step.
- Parameters:
report_step (int) – The report step to retrieve groups for.
- Returns:
A list containing all groups at the specified report step.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.end -> datetime.datetime
Retrieves the end time of the schedule as a datetime.datetime.
- Returns:
The end time of the schedule.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.get_injection_properties(well_name: str, report_step: int) dict
Gets injection properties for a well at a specific report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well.
report_step (int) – The report step to retrieve properties for.
- Returns:
A dict containing the properties surf_inj_rate, resv_inj_rate, bhp_target, thp_target.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.get_production_properties(well_name: str, report_step: int) dict
Gets production properties for a well at a specific report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well.
report_step (int) – The report step to retrieve properties for.
- Returns:
A dict containing the properties oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, liquid_rate, resv_rate, bhp_target, thp_target, alq_value.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.get_well(well_name: str, report_step: int) Well
Retrieves a well at a given report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well.
report_step (int) – The report step.
- Returns:
Well object at the given report step.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.get_wells(report_step: int) list
Gets the names of wells at the given report step.
- Parameters:
report_step (int) – The report step.
- Returns:
A list containing the names of wells at the given report step.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.insert_keywords(data: str) None
Inserts the given keywords into the Schedule at the current report step using the unit system of the Schedule.
- Parameters:
data (str) – The deck string to be inserted into the Schedule.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.insert_keywords(data: str, step: int) None
Inserts the given keywords into the Schedule at the given report step using the unit system of the Schedule.
- Parameters:
data (str) – The deck string to be inserted into the Schedule.
step (int) – The report step.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.insert_keywords(data: str, step: int, unit_system: UnitSystem) None
Inserts the given keywords into the Schedule at the given report step using the given unit system.
- Parameters:
data (str) – The deck string to be inserted into the Schedule.
step (int) – The report step.
unit_system (UnitSystem) – The unit system.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.insert_keywords(keywords: list, step: int) None
Inserts the given keywords into the Schedule at the given report step.
- Parameters:
keywords – A Python list of strings, contianing the keywords.
step (int) – The report step.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.open_well(well_name: str) None
Opens a well at the current report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well to open.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.open_well(well_name: str, step: int) None
Opens a well at a given report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well to open.
step (int) – The report step at which to open the well.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the report step is in the past or exceeds the duration of the simulation.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.reportsteps -> list[datetime.datetime]
Retrieves a list of all report steps in the schedule as a Python list of datetime.datetime objects.
- Returns:
A list containing the report steps of the schedule.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.shut_well(well_name: str) None
Shuts down a well at the current report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well to shut down.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.shut_well(well_name: str, step: int) None
Shuts down a well at a given report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well to shut down.
step (int) – The report step at which to shut down the well.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.start -> datetime.datetime
Retrieves the start time of the schedule as a datetime.datetime.
- Returns:
The start time of the schedule.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.stop_well(well_name: str) None
Stops a well at the current report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well to stop.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.stop_well(well_name: str, step: int) None
Stops a well at a given report step.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well to stop.
step (int) – The report step at which to stop the well.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the report step is in the past or exceeds the duration of the simulation.
- opm.io.schedule.Schedule.well_names(well_name_pattern: str) list
Gets the names of wells matching a specified pattern.
- Parameters:
well_name_pattern (str) – The pattern for well names, where ‘*’ acts as a wildcard.
- Returns:
A list containing the names of wells that match the specified pattern.
- class opm.io.sim.SummaryState
The SummaryState class - this is where the current summary results of the simulator are stored. The SummaryState class has methods to get hold of well, group and general variables.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.__contains__(variable_name: str) bool
Checks if a variable exists in the SummaryState.
- Parameters:
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to check.
- Returns:
True if the variable exists, False otherwise.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.__getitem__(variable_name: str) double
Gets the value of a variable of the SummaryState.
- Parameters:
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to retrieve.
- Returns:
The value of the specified variable for the well.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.__setitem__(variable_name: str, new_value: double) None
Updates or insert the variable of the SummaryState.
- Parameters:
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to update or insert.
new_value (double) – The new value of the variable.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.elapsed() double
Returns the elapsed time in seconds of the current simulation.
- Returns:
The elapsed time in seconds.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.group_var(group_name: str, variable_name: str) double
Gets the value of a variable for a group.
- Parameters:
group_name (str) – The name of the group.
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to retrieve.
- Returns:
The value of the specified variable for the group.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.groups -> list
Returns a list of strings containing all group names.
- Returns:
A list of strings representing all group names.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.has_group_var(group_name: str, variable_name: str) bool
Checks if a group variable exists.
- Parameters:
group_name (str) – The name of the group.
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to check.
- Returns:
True if the variable exists for the group, False otherwise.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.has_well_var(well_name: str, variable_name: str) bool
Checks if a well variable exists.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well.
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to check.
- Returns:
True if the variable exists for the well, False otherwise.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.update(variable_name: str, value: double) None
Updates or increments the given variable of the SummaryState, depending on whether the variable is cumulative or not. The variable must already exist in the SummaryState for this.
- Parameters:
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to update or increment.
value (double) – The value to set or increment the variable by.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.update_group_var(group_name: str, variable_name: str, new_value: double) None
Updates the variable of a group.
- Parameters:
group_name (str) – The name of the group.
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to update.
new_value (double) – The new value of the variable.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.update_well_var(well_name: str, variable_name: str, new_value: double) None
Updates the variable of a well.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well.
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to update.
new_value (double) – The new value of the variable.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.well_var(well_name: str, variable_name: str) double
Gets the value of a variable for a well.
- Parameters:
well_name (str) – The name of the well.
variable_name (str) – The name of the variable to retrieve.
- Returns:
The value of the specified variable for the well.
- opm.io.sim.SummaryState.wells -> list
Returns a list of strings containing all well names.
- Returns:
A list of strings representing all well names.
- class opm.io.summary.SummaryConfig
Represents the configuration for the summary.
- opm.io.summary.SummaryConfig.__contains__(keyword: str) bool
Checks whether a keyword exists in the SummaryConfig.
- Parameters:
keyword (str) – The keyword to check.
- Returns:
True if the keyword exists, False otherwise.
- Type:
- opm.io.summary.SummaryConfig.__init__(deck: Deck, state: EclipseState, schedule: Schedule) SummaryConfig
Creates a SummaryConfig with the provided deck, state, and schedule.
- Parameters:
deck (Deck) – The deck containing simulation data.
state (EclipseState) – The EclipseState containing simulation state.
schedule (Schedule) – The schedule for the simulation.
- Returns:
A new instance of SummaryConfig.
- Type: