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CMake Configuration


CMake version 3.15 or later is supported.

Build Overview

The ResInsight build may be configured in different ways, with optional support for Octave plugins, ABAQUS ODB API, HDF5, Pyton, and OpenMP. This is configured using options in CMake.

CMake Options for ResInsight

CMake NameDefaultDescription
RESINSIGHT_BUILD_DOCUMENTATIONOFFUse Doxygen to create the HTML based API documentation. Doxygen must be properly installed.
RESINSIGHT_ENABLE_GRPCOFFEnable gRPC scripting server. Required to be able to use ResInsight from Python
RESINSIGHT_ENABLE_HDF5ONWindows Only: Download and use HDF5 library
RESINSIGHT_ODB_API_DIRBlankOptional path to the ABAQUS ODB API from Simulia. Needed for support of geomechanical models
RESINSIGHT_USE_OPENMPONEnable OpenMP parallellization in the code

Advanced Options

To be able to modify Advanced Options from the CMake User Interface, tick the checkbox Advanced

CMake NameDefaultDescription
RESINSIGHT_QT5_BUNDLE_LIBRARIESOFFLinux only: Include Qt5 libraries in the installation package
RESINSIGHT_BUILD_LIBS_FROM_SOURCEONIf ON: Build some ThirdParty libs locally. If OFF: Download precompiled libraries
RESINSIGHT_BUNDLE_OPENSSLOFFBundle the OpenSSL library binaries
RESINSIGHT_ENABLE_UNITY_BUILDOFFActivate use of CMAKE_UNITY_BUILD on some libraries to improve build speed
RESINSIGHT_INCLUDE_APPFWK_TESTSOFFInclude unit tests from thirdparty libraries AppFwk and VizFwk
RESINSIGHT_PRIVATE_INSTALLONLinux only: Include resdata libraries in the installation package
RESINSIGHT_HDF5_BUNDLE_LIBRARIESOFFLinux only: Include HDF5 libraries in the installation package
RESINSIGHT_UPDATE_SUBMODULESONAutomatically issue ‘git submodule update –init –recursively’ on ThirdParty folder
RESINSIGHT_VCPKG_AUTO_INSTALLOFFAutomatically build required dependencies using ‘vcpkg’

Configuration parameters for Python

CMake NameDefaultDescription
RESINSIGHT_ENABLE_GRPCOFFEnable gRPC scripting server. Required to be able to use ResInsight from Python
RESINSIGHT_GRPC_BUNDLE_PYTHON_MODULEOFFBundle GRPC Python module in install folder
RESINSIGHT_GRPC_PYTHON_EXECUTABLEBlankLocation of Python3 executable

Optional Libraries and features


Please see ResInsight Python API for installation and configuration.


Octave is now detected searching the file system. If Octave is not detected, the following file path variable must be defined:

OCTAVE_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE : d:\octave\Octave-4.0.0\bin\octave-config.exe

It is possible to build ResInsight without compiling the Octave plugins. This can be done by specifying blank for the Octave CMake options. The Octave plugin module will not be built, and CMake will show warnings like ‘Failed to find mkoctfile’. This will not break the build or compilation of ResInsight.

ResInsight has been verified to build and run with Octave versions 3.4.3, 3.8.1, and 4.0.0 on RedHat linux, and 4.0.0 on Windows.

Octave Dependencies for Debian Based Distributions

The following command line can be used as a starting point to install required libraries sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential octave liboctave-dev qtbase5-dev qtscript5-dev libqt5svg5-dev qtbase5-private-dev

ODB support

ResInsight can be built with support for ABAQUS ODB files. This requires an installation of the ABAQUS ODB API from Simulia on the build computer. The path to an ABAQUS ODB API folder containing header files in an include sub-folder and the library files in a lib sub-folder must be specified in the CMake option RESINSIGHT_ODB_API_DIR. Leaving this option blank gives a build without ODB support. ResInsight has been built and tested with ABAQUS ODB versions 2020 and 2024 on Windows 10/11, Redhat Linux 7/8 and Ubuntu 22/24.


HDF5 is used to read SourSimRL result files. On Windows this is optional, while on Linux the installed HDF5 library will be used if present.

Use an advanced flag RESINSIGHT_HDF5_BUNDLE_LIBRARIES to include HDF5 libraries in the installation package.

Tested with 1.8.18 on windows, and default installation on RedHat 6.