The visible cells can be exported as a FLUXNUM or MULTNUM keyword that can be used in an Eclipse input data deck.

You can do this by using the command Export Visible Cells as FLUXNUM/MULTNUM found by right clicking:

  • View in the Project Tree.
  • Cell Result in the Project Tree.
  • In any Eclipse 3D View.

The command can also be found in File -> Export. If the command is used in the project tree, the visible cells from the selected view are used for calculation. In the 3D view and from File -> Export, the visible cells from the currently active 3D view are used.

  • Export Filename – Name of the file to export to.
  • Export Keyword – Selects the Eclipse keyword to export.
  • Visible Active Cells Value – This value is used for all the active cells that passes the filters(Range Filter, Property Filter etc) in the 3D View, and thus is visible.
  • Hidden Active Cells Value – All the active cells that are not visible in the 3D view.
  • Inactive Cells Value – This value is used for all inactive cells, regardless of whether they are visible or not.